Bradley K. Sherman's WWW'94 Trip Report

I attended The First International Conference on the World-Wide Web (WWW'94) which was held at CERN near Geneva, Switzerland, 24-27 May. I was co-organizer of the Biology Workshop at the meeting along with Reinhard Doelz and Peter Murray-Rust. About 15 people attended the Workshop. 380 attended the conference and I am told that about 200 were turned away due to space limitations. Reinhard Doelz prepared a Biology Workshop report . I demo'ed the various Plant Genome Database offerings at the Biology Workshop and also took some pictures . Note that there is a discussion now in the bionet.general BIONET electronic conference about the establishment of a new conference dedicated to biology on the web. This is an outgrowth of the conference workshop.

Here is an executive summary of topics that seemed to dominate the conference:

If you'd like to look at some pictures here are The opening session , and the closing plenary panel .

I also took a few pictures of Geneva , Montreaux, and Berne which I hope to annotate soon.

Pictures are delivered at 56 kilobits/second.

CERN and the WWW'94 organizers are providing a list of other trip reports that you might wish to peruse.
Bradley K. Sherman