Bradley K. Sherman,
Mitchell M. Sewell,
David B. Neale
Last revision: 8 January 1996
To Compile:
uncompress syd.tar.Z
tar xvf syd.tar
cd syd
To run syd, just type: syd.
# # syd.conf -- Configuration file for syd program. # # Lines beginning with '#' are ignored. # # Set number of chromosomes. chromosome:12 # # Set number of loci on each chromosome. # An odd number is better as the two exterme # loci are always at the telomeres. locus:11 # # Set number of progeny in 3rd generation. progeny:25 # # Balls in an urn to set maternal crossover frequency. # At each meiosis, syd will use this table to randomly select # the number of crossovers. mchiasma:00000000000000001111111111111111222222223333445 # # Balls in an urn to set paternal crossover frequency. # At each meiosis, syd will use this table to randomly select # the number of crossovers. pchiasma:00000000000000001111111111111111222222223333445 # # Balls in an urn to set allele distribution. # When a grandparent is generated, syd randomly selects # one of these characters at each allele. allele:11111111111111112222222222222233333333333344444444555566778 # # Set phase to 0 for mixed up allele order. If phase is 1 then # the maternally contributed allele is always on the left. phase:1 # # If seed is 0 program will select a random seed for the PRNG. # This will produce different data sets each run. # If seed is non-zero then that seed will be used for the PRNG. seed:0 # # If randlocus is 0 then locus positions will be # established equidistant along the chromosome with # one at each telomere. If randlocus is 1 then # loci will be at random positions on the chromosomes. randlocus:0 # # If log is 0 then syd.log will not be written. # Set log:100 for maximum information in syd.log. log:100